Online Dna Test Info


Friday, November 30, 2007

Parental DNA Test


The parental DNA test is done to bring about the fact of the legal and the biological relationship between the parents and the child. Though this test is done for a formal reason in certain places, there are certain situations where the test may be made compulsory by the government. This type of parental DNA test is done when the child is born in another country and does not carry any evidence, that the child is the son of the citizen of the country. During such cases this parental test is conducted. Though this type of test will be troubling the parents and leave the parents in an embracing situation in certain cases, this test is mandatory.

Parental DNA test arrangements

Usually this type of test is done at the lab. To conduct the parental DNA test the blood samples of both the parents are collected. These blood samples are collected for the purpose of exclusive parentage testing. Later the test is done with the help of the cells lying on the inside of the mouth. These types of cells are collected through a cotton swab. Samples which are taken from a deceased person can also be used for the purpose of conducting this test.

Parental DNA test- procedure

The procedure for the test is very simple. The laboratory collects the sample of blood of both the parents and the child. As soon as the blood samples are received by the lab the same is used in the test. There are many types of parental DNA tests and they are the Nuclear DNA test and the Mitochondrial DNA. All these tests can be conducted for the purpose of doing this test.

Nuclear DNA testing

There is a nuclear DNA within the nucleus cell. These nuclear DNA has certain sequence which is called as chromosomes. To conduct the parental DNA test, half part of the nuclear DNA is taken from the mother of the child and another half part of the nuclear DNA is taken from the father of the child.

The parental DNA testing is done by some people under certain circumstance. However this test is waived off when there is an understanding between the parents.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

DNA Testing During Pregnancy


The word DNA is an abbreviation of Deoxyribonucleic acid. Though this test is done during many occasions, it is mostly done at the time of pregnancy. DNA testing during pregnancy is very common around the world. They are to find the biological father of a child, to confirm the pregnancy and to detect the sex of the baby to be born. Though there are different types of DNA testing during pregnancy, it mainly consists of two types of testing which are Amniocentesis and CVS

DNA testing during pregnancy- Amniocentesis

DNA testing during pregnancy is known as prenatal testing. The DNA testing during pregnancy consists of (i) Amniocentesis (ii) Chorionic Villus Sampling. The Amniocentesis type of testing during pregnancy is done during the second three months of the pregnancy. It means that the testing during pregnancy is done between third to fourth weeks of pregnancy. While carrying out the test, ultra sound is used by the doctors. Ultra sound is used to send a small type of needle into the uterus via abdomen. The needle which is inserted withdraws little amount of fluid which is called an amniotic fluid. This test is carried out from the amniotic fluid. During this type of testing during pregnancy there is a risk of harm to the baby. It may even lead to miscarriage. While conducting this test there are some other type of risks like hampering, leakage of the fluid and there are also chances of leakage in the uterus.

DNA testing during pregnancy- CVS

The second type of DNA testing during pregnancy is called the CVS which is an abbreviation of Chorionic Villus Sampling. This type of testing during pregnancy is as good as the previous type of testing during pregnancy. During the previous testing the small needle is inserted to the uterus through the abdomen whereas in the later type of testing, it is seen that the needle or a small type of tube is inserted inside the vagina via the cervix part. This type of DNA testing during pregnancy is also done with the help of ultra sound. This is done to receive Chorionic villi. This is a small piece of tissues which are in the shape of the fingers found on the walls of the uterus. This type of testing during pregnancy is done between the mid of third week to mid of the fourth week.

Though DNA testing during pregnancy is very common around the world, it is seen that the testing during pregnancy is very risky and harmful to the baby and the mother. Hence it may be better to avoid testing during pregnancy.

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DNA Testing Chicago


DNA testing Chicago is done as usual as the other countries do. However the procedure for conducting this test is quite simple. There are many sample collection centers in Chicago for the purpose of collecting the samples. In Chicago the testing is done right from paternity test to immigration tests. Whatever the type of test may be the DNA testing Chicago gives accurate assurance and credible results. The testing done at Chicago is very useful to those around the world, because of its popularity. Since this testing which has been done at Chicago can change many lives because of its accuracy and quality, it is most sought after. This type of DNA testing in Chicago is done to prove the relationship between the individuals.

Life changing test

DNA testing is considered as the changer that has transformed many lives. Since this testing gives peace of mind to many it is very much preferred that it be done at Chicago. There are many type of testing which is done at Chicago, the primary and most usual test is the SCSA, which is an abbreviation of Sperm Chromatin Structure analysis. The other types of testing are the fragmentation test of DNA and the fragmentation test of Sperm Chromatin. The DNA testing for each type of testing is given below in brief.

SCSA type of DNA testing

This type of test which is done at Chicago is done to calculate the percentage of sperm through the fragmentation of DNA. Among the SCSA tests there are two different types of tests, they are the Tunnel and the Comet Assay. However the SCSA type of test has been most popular amongst all other testing that are done at Chicago. In the SCSA test, the sperm is treated with the chemical which makes the special type of dye enter into the cell of the sperm. Then the sperm is called as the sperm having fragmented DNA. At the next stage the computer renders the results graphically and thus the percentage of fragmented DNA in the sperm can be viewed.

Here is a line up of the various types of DNA testing which may be helpful to those who wish to undergo a DNA test at Chicago

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Free DNA Paternity Test


There are two types of free paternity DNA tests; they are the legal paternity test and the in home paternity test. This test is conducted for the purpose of determining the biological father of a child. The legal free paternity test is conducted at the DNA clinics where as the in home test is conducted at home by collecting the samples from home. However the results obtained through this paternity test are only accepted in the court of law and by any other government organizations.

Free DNA Paternity Test: Overview

Though every child is born with some similarities between the father and the child, the test is conducted to find out who the actual father of the child is. The test named IDENTIGENE is conducted during the process of the paternity test. The process of this type of test is very simple and stress free. During the time of the test, the sample of the mouth swab is collected by the use of painless mouth swab.

Free DNA Paternity Test: Accuracy

The rate of success of this test comes with 100% accuracy. The IDENTIGENE test in the process of paternity test is very strict and follows strict guide lines at the laboratory. This type of test provides high quality and accurate test results. The court of law does accept the results obtained through this paternity test.

Free DNA Paternity Test: Procedure

The procedure for free DNA parental test is as follows: The test can be done on the fourth month of pregnancy. For conducting such a test there are two ways of collecting the samples from the child in the mother’s womb they are Amniocentesis or the Chorionic villi sampling. This test is done at the fourth month of pregnancy. During this type of test, the doctor extracts the amniotic fluid from around the baby. This is extracted by inserting a needle via the abdomen of the mother.

The free DNA paternity test is very common in the world. Despite the fact the test helps to determine the biological father of the child it also helps to determine the health of the to be born child and any complications during pregnancy can also be detected and rectified.

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Dog DNA Test


It is very common that animals of same species resemble each other. However they have a different pattern in their genetics. The difference can be distinguished only through the DNA test. By way of doing the dog DNA test it will be get at the trait of the organism that are living. The test also confirms about the genetic pattern of the dog. This type of DNA is called genotype. This type of test is conducted with the help of the computer. The results of the test are much authenticated.

Benefits of dog DNA test

There are many benefits of such a test. Some of the benefits of the dog DNA test are that the pedigree of the dog is ensured. The parentage of the dog can be traced. The cost of the dog can also be easily traced out. The originality of the type of the dog can be protected since the original branded dogs has more value. The following are some of the procedure followed to conduct the test.

Procedure of Dog DNA test

1. The procedure of this test is very simple. The sample is collected from the cheek cells which are available between the gums and cheeks of the dog with the help of the nylon brush these cells are called the buccel cells. The test can also be taken from the hair, blood and skin of the dog. However the buccel cells of the cheek are preferred for best results.

2 The next procedure of the test is that the cells from the dog are preserved and later the cells of the dog are broke open and the DNA is taken out of it. The DNA is heated and a 50 micro liters of sodium hydroxide is added which helps to break the cells. Later it is mixed with NaOH and is put into a vortex machine and rotated for a minute. This will separate the DNA from other mixtures. Thus the results are obtained of dog DNA test.

The dog DNA test is conducted to identify the type of dog and the genetics of the dog. The test also helps to diagnose any disease in the dog. The test also helps to detect the parentage of an unborn puppy.

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