DNA Testing During Pregnancy
The word DNA is an abbreviation of Deoxyribonucleic acid. Though this test is done during many occasions, it is mostly done at the time of pregnancy. DNA testing during pregnancy is very common around the world. They are to find the biological father of a child, to confirm the pregnancy and to detect the sex of the baby to be born. Though there are different types of DNA testing during pregnancy, it mainly consists of two types of testing which are Amniocentesis and CVS
DNA testing during pregnancy- Amniocentesis
DNA testing during pregnancy is known as prenatal testing. The DNA testing during pregnancy consists of (i) Amniocentesis (ii) Chorionic Villus Sampling. The Amniocentesis type of testing during pregnancy is done during the second three months of the pregnancy. It means that the testing during pregnancy is done between third to fourth weeks of pregnancy. While carrying out the test, ultra sound is used by the doctors. Ultra sound is used to send a small type of needle into the uterus via abdomen. The needle which is inserted withdraws little amount of fluid which is called an amniotic fluid. This test is carried out from the amniotic fluid. During this type of testing during pregnancy there is a risk of harm to the baby. It may even lead to miscarriage. While conducting this test there are some other type of risks like hampering, leakage of the fluid and there are also chances of leakage in the uterus.
DNA testing during pregnancy- CVS
The second type of DNA testing during pregnancy is called the CVS which is an abbreviation of Chorionic Villus Sampling. This type of testing during pregnancy is as good as the previous type of testing during pregnancy. During the previous testing the small needle is inserted to the uterus through the abdomen whereas in the later type of testing, it is seen that the needle or a small type of tube is inserted inside the vagina via the cervix part. This type of DNA testing during pregnancy is also done with the help of ultra sound. This is done to receive Chorionic villi. This is a small piece of tissues which are in the shape of the fingers found on the walls of the uterus. This type of testing during pregnancy is done between the mid of third week to mid of the fourth week.
Though DNA testing during pregnancy is very common around the world, it is seen that the testing during pregnancy is very risky and harmful to the baby and the mother. Hence it may be better to avoid testing during pregnancy.
Labels: activation_dna, article_dna, build_dna_model, center_dna_testing, dna_double_helix, dna_free_test, dna_microarrays, dna_mitochondrial, dna_project, dna_psa, dna_science, dna_transcription