DNA Test While Pregnant
With the advances in the genetic studies, DNA tests have become very common. Now these tests allow non intrusive and more convenient collection of samples from the pregnant woman. This easy procedure leads to highly accurate test results and is widely used all over the world. If there is a question about identifying a child’s father, paternity test can resolve the issue. DNA testing while pregnant is 99.99 percent accurate in proving paternity.
This test can be performed on the unborn child through two different tests, known as Amniocentesis and Chorioinic villus sampling CVS)
Generally amniocentesis is performed during later stage in pregnancy. In this procedure, 10 ml of amniotic fluid is withdrawn by the obstetrician using a needle and ultrasound scan. Amniotic fluid is ideal for paternity testing as they are highly accurate. There is minimal risk involved in having this procedure as the needle can harm the baby or there is a chance of miscarriage. It may also cause vaginal bleeding and cramping. However, a totally risk free procedure is to test the blood cord samples taken at the time of child’s birth.
Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS)
Chorionic Villus Sampling is performed during early stages of pregnancy, generally in the 8th to 13th week. The procedure involves inserting a catheter through the cervix to take a sample by gentle suction. The ultrasound helps in guiding the tube to the exact location to collect the tissues. This procedure is performed by the obstetrician to get a small quantity of fetal chorionic villi, the trophoblastic tissue that is used in paternity test. Chorionic villi are from the same fertilized egg where the fetus also comes from and has the same DNA structure as the baby. DNA tests while pregnant using this method is as accurate as the tests done after the birth of the child.
The cost of DNA test while pregnant
This test on the unborn baby is usually expensive. The two procedures described above can cost around USD 1000 to 2000. This fee is not eligible for insurance claim. Moreover these tests require a doctor’s recommendation to have the test done.
It is now possible to perform DNA test while pregnant if the paternity of the child is in question. The procedures should be done only on the recommendation of a doctor.
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